Title: Dysfunctional Church Culture
Speaker: Pastor Ray Burgos
Date: 07/09/2023
🙏 Pastor Ray, our fearless guide, continues to lead us on a path of healing, revelation, and growth. With unwavering determination, he fearlessly tackles the crucial topic of dysfunctional church culture, shedding light on the issues that may hinder our spiritual growth and community building within our churches. 🌟
🔎 In this captivating sermon, Pastor Ray fearlessly unravels the complexities of dysfunctional church culture, painting a vivid picture of what it looks like when our sacred spaces become tainted by unhealthy dynamics. By shining a light on these difficult realities, he equips us with the tools needed to navigate these challenges and foster environments of love, acceptance, and genuine spiritual growth. 💪
❓ Are you ready to confront the realities of dysfunctional church culture? How can we actively work together to cultivate a thriving and healthy church environment? Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below, and let's engage in a conversation that can bring about positive change! 🗣️✨