Title: Power In The Pantry
Speaker: Pastor Tom Zahradnik
Date: 05/23/21
God intended for every follower of Jesus Christ to be empowered to live for Him and to have the power to serve others in His name. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come. And He did come on the Jewish festival of Pentecost. As a church, one of our values is Spirit Empowerment: We value a lifestyle of worshipping Jesus Christ as expressed in serving others through the Holy Spirit’s power. So how do I know I’ve been filled or baptized in the Holy Spirit? Why do I need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit? On this Pentecost Sunday Pastor Tom speaks to that out of the life of one of the disciples, Stephen.
Acts 2:4; Galatians 5:22-23; Acts 6: 1 – 7:60